Posts ClipboardCommander


ClipboardCommander is a simple program written in Python that extends the capabilities of the operating system’s clipboard.

Clipboard Commander can:

  • Display the current contents of the system clipboard
  • Copy the current contents of the system clipboard for later use
  • Swap previously copied contents into the system clipboard
  • Hold multiple entries for later clipboard use

Clipboard Commander is written in Python and uses:

  • tkinter as the basis of the gui
  • ttk as the basis for the gui’s widget system
  • pyperclip for the clipboard functionality

This is my first foray into Python, creating useable files, and seeing a project of my own through to completion, so it’s undoubtedly very rough around the edges. In addition, there’s plenty of further functionality to implement, such as a better gui and Linux compatibility. However, it still functions as is, and that’s better than it could be!

On StartupWith Content
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